You Say Tomato, I Say Ketchup

The husband and I have been discussing what to do out on our little balcony here in our upper apartment. It's a front balcony, and we've been trying to gather what things we can to decorate and make it summer-ready, for long nights of sitting outside and trying to catch an errant breeze that isn't laden with mosquitoes or smog.

"I think we need a few of those Muskoka chairs out front with the barbeque," I said.

"You mean Adirondack," he corrected me with a knowing smile.
"No, hon." I frowned, scratching my head. "Muskoka."
"We call them Adirondack chairs down here," he explained. "You can't call them Muskoka chairs, no one would have any idea what you're talking about."
"Nonsense! Everyone knows what one is!"

I checked everyone's argument solver, Google, to prove how right I was.

Results for "Muskoka chair": About 40,400
Results for "Adirondack chair: About 1,050,000

... well, dammit, eh.


Carl said...

HA! I was right!

Christina said...

It's a Muskoka chair!

Blair said...

Hey guess what... Muskoka chair might be an Ontario thing, because way out here, in Atlantic Canada, they're called Adirondack chairs too.

Christina said...


(And it probably is, with a popular summer cottage area in mid-Ontario being called the Muskoka Region. Details! >.> )

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